Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Important issues in Wow today


Every now and then there are important issues that need to be addressed. The Plainstrider problem has been worrisome to many wow players and documenters. Worgan Freeman does a great job in this video at spreading awareness about thepoor creatures plight.

Please send in any pictures you have about these poor creatures or any of the other ones that D.E.H.T.A would totally flay you if they saw you killing. (I myself have a wonderful Plainstrider coat that I think is really slimming and good for that brisk Northrend air. I recommend it to all you rustic bombshell hunters out there who are looking for a sugardaddy)

If you have any questions, comments, or crazy what-if-this-happened suggestions you can chat me up in the following ways,

Facebook: Surreal Storm

Or Follow me on Twitter: Surreal storm

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For all those who are LFL (looking for lore) PST


We are going to start this off with the basics of the world. Me. Wonderous Me. Surrealstorm, as a character, is relatively new. Though she has undergone many transformations, such as the plastic surgery that allowed her to get rid of her hooves and turn her into the rustic bombshell that she is today. (her pet in particular is happy of this change since he gets to eat the suitors that don’t work out.)

Instead I want to tell you about the new podcast that will be starting soon to talk about the most important part about World of Warcraft. THE STORY. The meat behind the quests that us lowly people perform on a daily basis. (such as that time you had to collect a bunch of carrots in crystal song forest. Or that time you had to slay hundreds of mammoths for that one little bone that all of them should have had on them anyway. But I digress…)

I will start with the beginning, telling you about the people, the places and the vast history that make up Azeroth.

We will talk about the titans, the elementals and old gods, the demons and the primitive races that defeated them…twice. This blog is going to give you the information you need to wow your friends and guildmates such the important issue that plagues both all players alike: ARE NIGHT ELEVES REALLY TROLLS THAT SHAVED OFF THEIR TUSKS?

If you have any questions, comments, or crazy what-if-this-happened suggestion. chat me up at Surrealstorm@gmail.com